Brand and Social Media Guidelines
To help with consistency and building a strong brand, I created a brand and marketing guide. Inside this guide, the company's mission statement, brand values, brand voice, story, and content types can be found. You will also find a new strategically created color palette based on the original logo and graphic imagery. All of these choices were made by keeping our slogan "Farm Fresh Mastered" in mind. I really wanted to show that Oliver Farms brings to the table everything that is great about the farm all while elevating it to the level of a certified master chef.
Click here to access the full Brand & Marketing Guide.
Platform Visions
These are the mockups I created that show how Oliver Farms might look on different platforms. Emphasizing brand colors and tone throughout our page and images are just a few ways to keep a consistent brand look and feel. I chose these three platforms because I feel Oliver Farms might have the most success in these spaces. Using these platforms also follow through with the design tenet: meet me where I'm at. Facebook tends to be more for the older individuals while Instagram is for our younger audience. Each of these platforms has different demographics with different age ranges allowing us to hit every category and provide value in different ways. Each one caters to different personas within our target audience.
Content Strategy Samples
Not only did I create mockups for the feed but I also wanted to show what my different suggested content types might look like. The first post focuses on brand awareness and valuable information, and the latter two give more of a behind the scenes look and provide educational information to the audience.
Post Planning & Coordination
To complement these design tenets and strategies and to help implement them, I have created a post planning spreadsheet that allows for collaboration between myself, the owner, and the business consultant in which I will draft posts, receive approval, and then schedule them for publishing. This spreadsheet can be found in a Google shared folder that also contains the brand guidelines, photos for posting, and a calendar that can be used for farm news and events.
Click here to access full Shared Vision Design Brief.